Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual behaviour that makes you feel upset, scared, offended or humiliated, or is meant to make you feel that way.

Sexual harassment includes a really wide range of behaviours, such as:

  • Sexual comments or noises – for example, catcalling or wolf-whistling.
  • Sexual gestures.
  • Leering, staring or suggestive looks. This can include looking someone up and down.
  • Sexual ‘jokes’.
  • Sexual innuendos or suggestive comments.
  • Unwanted sexual advances or flirting.
  • Sexual requests or asking for sexual favours.
  • Sending emails or texts with sexual content – for example, unwanted ‘sexts’ or ‘dick pics’.
  • Sexual posts or contact on social media.
  • Intrusive questions about a person’s private or sex life.
  • Someone discussing their own sex life.
  • Commenting on someone's body, appearance or what they’re wearing.
  • Spreading sexual rumours.
  • Standing close to someone.
  • Displaying images of a sexual nature.
  • Unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature – for example, brushing up against someone or hugging or massaging them.
However, please know that this is not a full list. Just because something isn’t included here doesn’t mean it isn’t sexual harassment.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened