#isthisconsent is part of the University's ‘Speak Up! Stand Up!’ campaign. 

It intends to open up the conversation on sexual consent and encourage everyone to think about and challenge problematic behaviours that can normalise acts of sexual violence. 

Whether its online or in person we're asking everyone to: 

  • See It ! Get to know the facts on consent and sexual violence. 
  • Know its a Problem !  Think about how these behaviours effect you and the people around you.
  • Take Responsibility ! Know that its everyone's responsibility to speak up and take action. 
  • Take Action ! Act if you see something that doesn't feel right.
Sexual violence is never ok, we want people to see it, know its a problem, take responsibility to take action and report it and get support.

See it!

Notice potentially problematic situations.

Watch this short video made for the Speak Up Stand Up Campaign.

In collaboration with the Television Workshop Salford


Can you see consent?  Join the conversation on our social media pages:

Sex without consent is rape and can have devastating consequences.  As part of our campaign we're asking everyone to seek consent responsibly. 

Sexual Violence 

Sexual violence is an umbrella term used to refer to different types of offences that can take place when consent to sexual activity has not been given.   It covers a range of behaviours such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic abuse, coercive control and rape. Sexual violence can happen to anyone regardless of age, disability, gender identity, nationality, race, religious beliefs, sex or sexual orientation.

Define It! 

How do we know when consent to sexual activity has been given? As part of our campaign we're asking people to define what consent means to them. 

Sexual consent is where a person has the ability and freedom to agree to sexual activity.  A person can consent to sexual activity if they agree 'by choice and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice' (Sexual Offences Act, 2013). 


Freedom means not being constrained in any way to agree to sexual activity. Coercive control is a form of domestic abuse that can happen between people in a relationship.  It can involve sexual harassment or pressuring someone into sex. In a relationship or not any kind of physical, emotional or psychological pressure, abuse or force is used to coerce someone into any sexual act, then the person being coerced has lost their freedom of choice.


Having capacity means the person can make and communicate a decision, understand the consequences and know they have a choice. If they cannot do this, they cannot give consent. If they are asleep or unconscious they cannot consent.

Permision is key, seek consent responsibly. 

Know its a Problem!

Interpret the situation as a problem in need of intervention.

Acts of harassment and violence often come from established attitudes and beliefs about other people that can manifest into more serious acts of agression. 

Rape Culture

Rape culture is a concept that describes a situation where rape is normalised due to societal attitudes and beliefs. These beliefs are perpetuated through behaviours that include sexual objectification, victim blaming, slut-shaming and trivialising rape through jokes and banter.

Just part of a night out

In this article getting-groped-is-just-part-of-a-normal-night-out, Lindsay Brown reports on how sexual assault is an ordinary occurrence for many women on a night out. 

I've had my boobs grabbed, my bum grabbed, I've had people put their hands up my skirt and down my top.'

A sexual act like this inflicted on someone without their consent is sexual assault and it’s a criminal offence.

Sexual violence is never ok!

Victim Blaming

Victim blaming is where people are told to change their own behaviour to avoid being assaulted or raped. They might be told to dress less provocatively, drink less alcohol, and not put themselves in risky situations.  This can reinforce the belief that somehow it is the vicitms fault when they are attacked.  

The only person responsible for an assault or rape is the perpetrator. 

Everyone has the right to live, work and study in an environment free from the fear of harassment or violence.

Take Responsibility!

Recognise your personal responsibility. 

It’s important that we all understand what consent it and how to know if it’s been given. Learning about consent can help to combat ‘rape culture’ and help people understand that sexual activity without consent is a crime.

The best way to check if someone is giving consent is to ask them.  Watch this short video that’s been made by the UMSU Feminist Collective. 


If a person does not consent and sexual activity takes place this could be considered sexual assault or rape. 

Take Action!

Know how to intervene. 

If you see or hear something that doesn't feel right you can act. It’s not always easy to know what to do when you see a problematic situation, how we think we’ll act and how we act may not always be the same.  Its important to remember you must consider you personal and emotional safety as well, and that there are a range of actions that you can take.

As an active bystander you can: 

  • Direct. Talk to the person being targeted or if you feel safe, you can challenge the behaviour directly.
  • Disrupt. Move the attention away from the person or people being targets to prevent the situation from escalating.
  • Delegate. Report the behaviour to others and get support.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened